Source code for persephone.preprocess.wav

""" Provide functions for preprocessing the WAV files. """

import logging
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess
from typing import List

from pydub import AudioSegment # type: ignore

from .. import config
from ..utterance import Utterance

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # type: ignore

def millisecs_to_secs(millisecs: int) -> float:
    return millisecs / 1000

def trim_wav_ms(in_path: Path, out_path: Path,
                start_time: int, end_time: int) -> None:
    """ Extracts part of a WAV File.

    First attempts to call sox. If sox is unavailable, it backs off to

        in_path: A path to the source file to extract a portion of
        out_path: A path describing the to-be-created WAV file.
        start_time: The point in the source WAV file at which to begin
        end_time: The point in the source WAV file at which to end extraction.


        trim_wav_sox(in_path, out_path, start_time, end_time)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        # Then sox isn't installed, so use pydub/ffmpeg
        trim_wav_pydub(in_path, out_path, start_time, end_time)
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        # Then there is an issue calling sox. Perhaps the input file is an mp4
        # or some other filetype not supported out-of-the-box by sox. So we try
        # using pydub/ffmpeg.
        trim_wav_pydub(in_path, out_path, start_time, end_time)

def trim_wav_pydub(in_path: Path, out_path: Path,
                start_time: int, end_time: int) -> None:
    """ Crops the wav file. """
        "Using pydub/ffmpeg to create {} from {}".format(out_path, in_path) +
        " using a start_time of {} and an end_time of {}".format(start_time,

    if out_path.is_file():

    # TODO add logging here
    #print("in_fn: {}".format(in_fn))
    #print("out_fn: {}".format(out_fn))
    in_ext = in_path.suffix[1:]
    out_ext = out_path.suffix[1:]
    audio = AudioSegment.from_file(str(in_path), in_ext)
    trimmed = audio[start_time:end_time]
    # pydub evidently doesn't actually use the parameters when outputting wavs,
    # since it doesn't use FFMPEG to deal with outputtting WAVs. This is a bit
    # of a leaky abstraction. No warning is given, so normalization to 16Khz
    # mono wavs has to happen later. Leaving the parameters here in case it
    # changes
    trimmed.export(str(out_path), format=out_ext,
                   parameters=["-ac", "1", "-ar", "16000"])

def trim_wav_sox(in_path: Path, out_path: Path,
                 start_time: int, end_time: int) -> None:
    """ Crops the wav file at in_fn so that the audio between start_time and
    end_time is output to out_fn. Measured in milliseconds.

    if out_path.is_file():"Output path %s already exists, not trimming file", out_path)

    start_time_secs = millisecs_to_secs(start_time)
    end_time_secs = millisecs_to_secs(end_time)
    args = [config.SOX_PATH, str(in_path), str(out_path),
            "trim", str(start_time_secs), "=" + str(end_time_secs)]"Cropping file %s, from start time %d (seconds) to end time %d (seconds), outputting to %s",
                in_path, start_time_secs, end_time_secs, out_path), check=True)

[docs]def extract_wavs(utterances: List[Utterance], tgt_dir: Path, lazy: bool) -> None: """ Extracts WAVs from the media files associated with a list of Utterance objects and stores it in a target directory. Args: utterances: A list of Utterance objects, which include information about the source media file, and the offset of the utterance in the media_file. tgt_dir: The directory in which to write the output WAVs. lazy: If True, then existing WAVs will not be overwritten if they have the same name """ tgt_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for utter in utterances: wav_fn = "{}.{}".format(utter.prefix, "wav") out_wav_path = tgt_dir / wav_fn if lazy and out_wav_path.is_file():"File {} already exists and lazy == {}; not " \ "writing.".format(out_wav_path, lazy)) continue"File {} does not exist and lazy == {}; creating " \ "it.".format(out_wav_path, lazy)) trim_wav_ms(utter.org_media_path, out_wav_path, utter.start_time, utter.end_time)