Source code for persephone.preprocess.elan

""" Provides a Corpus class that can read ELAN .eaf XML files. """

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple

import pympi.Elan

from ..utterance import Utterance

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # type: ignore

class Eaf(pympi.Elan.Eaf):
    """ This subclass exists because eaf MEDIA_DESCRIPTOR elements typically
    have RELATIVE_MEDIA_URL that contains the path of the media file relative
    to the eaf file. However, pympi.Elan.Eaf doesn't have a path attribute
    pointing to the eaf file itself. This class here adds this attribute so
    that the path to the media file can be reconstructed."""

    def __init__(self, eaf_path: Path) -> None:
        self.eaf_path = eaf_path

    def media_path(self) -> Path:
        """ The URL of the associated media file."""
        return self.get_media_path(self.media_descriptor)

    def time_origin(self) -> int:
        """ The time offset of the annotations."""
            return int(self.media_descriptor["TIME_ORIGIN"])
        except KeyError:
            # Since it wasn't specified, we don't need to adjust 
            # utterance offsets.
            return 0

    def get_media_path(self, media_descriptor: Dict) -> Path:
        return self.eaf_path.parent / media_descriptor["RELATIVE_MEDIA_URL"]

    def initialize_media_descriptor(self) -> None:
        Returns the media descriptor for the first media descriptor where
        the file can be found.

        for md in self.media_descriptors:
            media_path = self.get_media_path(md)
            if media_path.is_file():
                self.media_descriptor = md

        raise FileNotFoundError(
            """Cannot find media file corresponding to {}.
            Tried looking for the following files: {}.
            """.format(self.eaf_path, [self.get_media_path(md)
                                       for md in self.media_descriptors]))

def sort_annotations(annotations: List[Tuple[int, int, str]]
                     ) -> List[Tuple[int, int, str]]:
    """ Sorts the annotations by their start_time. """
    return sorted(annotations, key=lambda x: x[0])

def utterances_from_tier(eafob: Eaf, tier_name: str) -> List[Utterance]:
    """ Returns utterances found in the given Eaf object in the given tier."""

        speaker = eafob.tiers[tier_name][2]["PARTICIPANT"]
    except KeyError:
        speaker = None # We don't know the name of the speaker.

    tier_utterances = []

    annotations = sort_annotations(

    for i, annotation in enumerate(annotations):
        eaf_stem = eafob.eaf_path.stem
        utter_id = "{}.{}.{}".format(eaf_stem, tier_name, i)
        start_time = eafob.time_origin + annotation[0]
        end_time = eafob.time_origin + annotation[1]
        text = annotation[2]
        utterance = Utterance(eafob.media_path, eafob.eaf_path, utter_id,
                              start_time, end_time, text, speaker)

    return tier_utterances

def utterances_from_eaf(eaf_path: Path, tier_prefixes: Tuple[str, ...]) -> List[Utterance]:
    Extracts utterances in tiers that start with tier_prefixes found in the ELAN .eaf XML file
    at eaf_path.

    For example, if xv@Mark is a tier in the eaf file, and
    tier_prefixes = ["xv"], then utterances from that tier will be gathered.

    if not eaf_path.is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError("Cannot find {}".format(eaf_path))

    eaf = Eaf(eaf_path)
    utterances = []
    for tier_name in sorted(list(eaf.tiers)): # Sorting for determinism
        for tier_prefix in tier_prefixes:
            if tier_name.startswith(tier_prefix):
                utterances.extend(utterances_from_tier(eaf, tier_name))
    return utterances

[docs]def utterances_from_dir(eaf_dir: Path, tier_prefixes: Tuple[str, ...]) -> List[Utterance]: """ Returns the utterances found in ELAN files in a directory. Recursively explores the directory, gathering ELAN files and extracting utterances from them for tiers that start with the specified prefixes. Args: eaf_dir: A path to the directory to be searched tier_prefixes: Stings matching the start of ELAN tier names that are to be extracted. For example, if you want to extract from tiers "xv-Jane" and "xv-Mark", then tier_prefixes = ["xv"] would do the job. Returns: A list of Utterance objects. """ "EAF from directory: {}, searching with tier_prefixes {}".format( eaf_dir, tier_prefixes)) utterances = [] for eaf_path in eaf_dir.glob("**/*.eaf"): eaf_utterances = utterances_from_eaf(eaf_path, tier_prefixes) utterances.extend(eaf_utterances) return utterances